Please contact the parish office to obtain a registration package.
• Birth Certificate of the child / person to be Baptized.
• Certificate of Baptism for one parent of the child to be Baptized
(at least one parent is to have been Baptized in the Catholic Church).
• Certificates of Baptism for the Godparents
(to be a God Parent it is necessary to have been Baptized in the Catholic Church).
Please contact the parish office for information.
For the calendar of this season’s First Communion and Confirmation classes (and other important information for the 2024/2025 pastoral calendar for the Sacraments), please scroll further down on this page.
Please notify the parish office at least six months before the marriage.
Please contact the parish office for information.
Please contact the parish office to make an appointment with the Pastor to arrange the Funeral Liturgy and to pick up a funeral package.
Anointing of the Sick
What is the Anointing of the Sick?
The question has been asked as to what the Anointing of the Sick is. It is a reasonable question. St. Augustine said: “Education is the food of youth, the delight of old age, the ornament of prosperity, the refuge and comfort of adversity, and the provocation to grace in the soul.”
Through the Anointing of the Sick (previously known as extreme unction), the Church commends the faithful who are sick to the suffering and glorified Lord, for relief and salvation. The Anointing of the Sick is not only a sacrament for those who are at the point of death, but it is also for those who begin to be in danger of death from sickness or old age. Moreover, this sacrament serves as the spiritual strengthening of the sick person during the time of illness when dying. The Anointing of the Sick has great significance for those struggling with mental illnesses, fears, and traumas – it strengthens mental health as well.
The anointing is carefully performed, conferred, first on the forehead (this means it is necessary that your forehead be visible when receiving the sacrament), and on the hands (hold your hands in front of you near your heart, with your palms facing upwards and your hands wide opened to receive the sacred oil).
Only a priest validly administers the Anointing of the Sick, since the sacrament is theologically considered to be the complement of the Sacrament of Penance. It belongs to the Pastor to decide who can receive the Anointing of the Sick.
If you have a request or questions, please contact the office.
1st Eucharist – 2024 / 2025
Deadline to Register: Friday, September 27, 2024.
Date |
Time |
Topic |
Wed Oct 2 |
6:30 p.m. |
Class |
Wed Oct 16 | 6:30 p.m. |
Class |
Sun Oct 20 |
11:00 a.m. |
Enrollment & Presentation Mass |
Wed Nov 6 | 6:30 p.m. |
Class |
Sun Nov 17 | 11:00 a.m. | Receive Cross and Our Father |
Wed Nov 20 |
6:30 p.m. |
Class |
Wed Dec 4 | 6:30 p.m. | Class |
Wed Jan 29 | 6:30 p.m. |
Class |
Sun Feb 2 | 11:00 a.m. | Profession of Faith / Apostolic Creed |
Tues Feb 04 | 6:30 p.m. |
Class Testimony/Presentation and First Communion Families will be Present as well |
Wed Feb 19 | 6:30 p.m. |
First Reconciliation Practice |
THUR Mar 06 | 6:30 p.m. |
Mass for First Communion and |
March Break |
Wed Mar 19 | 6:30 p.m. | Explanation and Practice for First Reconciliation |
Wed Apr 02 | 6:30 p.m. |
Sacrament of First Reconciliation |
Wed Apr 30 Sat. May 10 Wed May 14 |
6:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.- Noon 10:00 a.m.- Noon |
Practice before First Communion Retreat Rehearsal Day |
Sun May 18 |
1:00 p.m. |
Sacrament of First Holy Communion |
Confirmation – 2024/2025
Deadline to Register: Friday, September 27, 2024.
Date |
Time |
Topic |
Tue Oct 1 |
6:30 p.m. | Class |
Tue Oct 15 |
6:30 p.m. | Class |
Sun Oct 20 | 9:00 a.m. | Enrollment & Presentation Mass |
Tue Nov 05 | 6:30 p.m. | Class |
Sun Nov 17 | 09:00 a.m. | Receive Cross and Our Father |
Tue Nov 19 | 6:30 p.m. | Class |
Tue Dec 03 | 6:30 p.m. |
Class |
Tue Jan 28 | 6:30 p.m. | Class |
Sun Feb 2 | 9:00 a.m. | Profession of Faith / Apostolic Creed |
Tues Feb 4 | 6:30 p.m. | Class |
Tue Feb 18 THUR Mar 06 |
6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. |
Class Mass for First Communion and Confirmation Families (Day after Ash Wednesday) |
March Break |
Tue Mar 18 | 6:30 p.m. | Class |
Tue Apr 01 | 6:30 p.m. | Class |
Sat May 31 |
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. |
Retreat |
Day TBC | 6:30 pm | Sacrament of Confirmation |